

由Phill Gilbert.



存储所有数据都是一个挑战,尽管我们已经让您介绍了Nutanix®Unified Storage™(包括文件和对象)提供。But gaining insight into your actual data, knowing where it is, how long it’s been there, how “hot” it is (access frequency), knowing who’s accessing it and where they are – these are all massive challenges in an area seeing such dramatic growth. This is also compounded by replication technologies and even newer features that include tiering to the public cloud – now your data can be anywhere. Then there’s the fact that your data is valuable – not just to you, but to attackers who may want to hold you ransom. With a growing number of ransomware attacks – and attackers – how can you possibly be expected to keep on top of them all?

Nutanix Data Lens™是一项新服务,可在云中运行,以在任何规模上从任何位置为数据的潜在威胁提供全球知名度。数据镜头专门为对非结构化数据环境提供独特的见解,以及对数据移动,访问和审计记录的见解。数据镜头还为您提供了为您的数据设置行业领先的勒索软件保护的能力。

对您的实际数据的真实洞察力是具有挑战性的,特别是在较大的环境中。随着环境的增长,即使在不同的地理位置,国家甚至大陆,多个存储部署也增加了多种存储部署的机会。This further compounds the issue as getting a single view of a distributed environment is extremely different without expensive third-party tools, and that’s one more thing to manage, update, etc. Nutanix Data Lens is different: as a cloud-service, it offers unlimited scale and can provide a single, global view of your data, wherever it is. Data Lens is embedded in Nutanix Unified Storage and provides deep insights, anomaly detection to detect threats and can block access from user accounts and/or devices. You can see where your data is even when it’s replicated and tiered away from Nutanix storage.

每天在世界各地进行数千次勒索软件攻击,难怪勒索软件保护是重中之重 - 但是该保护仅与它用于识别攻击的规则一样好。过时的勒索软件数据库或列出的有限攻击向量的数据库,几乎没有对勒索软件攻击的实际保护。数据镜头具有4,000多个勒索软件签名,并且由于数据镜头作为服务传递,因此数据库生长而无需维护。Nutanix在检测到新的签名时动态更新数据库,因此您的保护保持最新。

当然,这只是一个开始 - 我们为数据镜头有更多计划,因此请注意此空间。


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