



  • Company:加州州立大学,长滩(CSULB)是一所公立大学,拥有八所大学,为37,000多名学生提供服务。
  • 行业: 高等教育
  • Business Need: Support academic and research initiatives through technology, while getting more from limited IT resources.


Nutanix Enterprise Cloud


  • 提高了满足学生和教师需求的能力,并通过技术支持创新的学术计划。
  • 减少了足迹,较低的OPEX和简化的管理帮助小型IT团队以更少的速度做更多的事情。
  • 对VDI应用程序的可扩展支持将技术资源扩展到校园的更多学生。


What happens when a teaching-intensive, research-driven public university empowers students and faculty with more agile, powerful technology? It creates a foundation for exciting new initiatives like tracking sharks in real time along the Pacific coast, or giving students access to lab-quality computing tools anywhere.

For CSULB, technology is key to its mission of providing valuable undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities to the people of California and the world. Its Division of Information Technology supports faculty, administrators, and students with technology services, identity management and authentication services, and other essential resources.

Like many organizations, the University’s IT department faces limited staff and budget, as well as escalating expectations from the students and departments it serves.

“We have a very small in-house team with a staff of 18 administering a large environment for the entire university,” says Jesse Santana, Director, System and Web Services at CSULB. “Our customers aren’t able to wait days or weeks for us to stand up a new environment. The expectation for our small team is to provision a resource more quickly than in the past.”


CSULB的负责虚拟系统工程师Mig Gomez说:“我们正在尝试减少数据中心的足迹,我们还在寻找一种可以简化管理并帮助我们简化流程的解决方案。”



在考虑了各种供应商的解决方案和测试解决方案之后,CSULB迁移到Nutanix Enterprise Cloud。如今,该解决方案正在新的数据中心设施中运行大约450台虚拟机(VM),以支持大学最重要的软件包和服务。

“我们依靠Nutanix来支持我们的核心企业应用程序;Microsoft SQL Server数据库,商业智能服务器,Oracle数据库以及我们所有的身份管理和身份验证服务。” Santana说。“该大学的招生和成像系统,用于学生应用程序处理,全部在Nutanix上运行,所有Active Directory Directory域控制器和基础架构服务也是如此。”

Nutanix Enterprise Cloud使Santana及其团队能够通过基于软件的方法来简化大学的孤立基础架构,从而简化其处理并加快对新技术服务的配置。

“Our responsiveness has improved significantly,” says Santana. “I just finished provisioning a set of new VMs, a process which previously took a few hours, now only takes 10 minutes,” adds Gomez.

Nutanix also provides a nimble, scalable environment to deliver Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) applications to students across the campus community. In the past, access to advanced applications for science and engineering was often limited.

“Much of this software was available only in labs or at the library, which have limited hours,” says Tom Tran, IT Consultant at CSULB. “During peak periods like final exams, students faced long waits, and might have to hunt down which labs were available. They could purchase the software they needed at the bookstore, but it was expensive and required a great deal of computing power.”

Nutanix lets the University offer access to high-performance applications like Mathematica, MATLAB, AutoCAD, and the R software environment using the device of their choice, anywhere. Nvidia’s GPU integration accelerates the VDI delivery so the performance and user experience is similar what it would be on a local machine.



更简单,更高效的IT管理和资源供应为大学的IT小组开辟了新的机会,使他们能够为教职员工和研究人员提供以前没有资源的IT项目,从而将黑板的想法从黑板中纳入现实世界。一个这样的例子是针对海洋生物学家克里斯·洛(Chris Lowe)博士,他的鲨鱼实验室研究了南加州的婴儿和少年白鲨鱼,并为这种神秘的物种贡献了知识领域。

“We recently provisioned a set of VMs for a new research project for Dr. Chris Lowe,” says Santana. “Dr. Lowe and his team have received a grant to tag sharks in the area and monitor their movement along the West Coast. Eventually, everyone will be able to access this environment and track sharks in the area in real time. The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud is being used to support the software development in house, and maintain the application once it goes live.”


Nutanix is also helping IT manage the University’s environment more efficiently, even with a small staff.

Santana说:“ Nutanix Enterprise Cloud有助于CSULB减少机架空间,并最大程度地减少数据中心功率和冷却​​要求。”“我的SAN管理员可以自由从事其他项目,因为现在只有一个团队管理整个环境。这提高了效率,推动了强劲的投资回报。”

The advanced hyperconverged environment also improves performance, enabling administrators to work more effectively.


Nutanix automatically alerts IT staff about potential issues, for faster troubleshooting.






“As the environment becomes more popular we will continue to grow it out,” says Tran. “We monitor concurrent usage of all our applications, and as we reach capacity we can add licenses as needed.”


Nutanix was built to scale and evolve, and CSULB is already considering new capabilities to make technology access even easier—and more cost-effective. For example, as licensing costs on its existing hypervisor increase, Santana and his team are evaluating Nutanix AHV for integrated virtualization management.

“We are actively exploring AHV, and are moving toward standing up a development environment,” says Santana. “We are also evaluating Prism as a way to allow our customers to provision their own VMs. We want to move beyond our current email-based system and empower our customers to provision themselves.”


Ultimately we are here to serve students and help them graduate in four to six years. Nutanix lets us make services and software available to them, when they need them, so that they can succeed.

CSULB系统和网络服务总监Jesse Santana